Hey, I'm Ingo

I bring ideas to life
with code.

Passionate and driven programmer with a strong interest in creating new and innovative solutions through code. Constantly seeking to improve skills and stay up-to-date with industry developments to create better user experiences.

.02 About Me

Hi, my name is Ingo and I really love creating things with code. My interest in programming started in 2020 when I learned what HTML, CSS, and JavaScript were and how these technologies work together. I'm particularly interested in the technical side of things and understanding how these technologies actually function.

My next goal is to master JavaScript and continue developing my programming skills, always with the aim of building applications that are scalable and efficient under the hood.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:

  • ▹ HTML
  • ▹ CSS
  • ▹ JavaScript
  • ▹ WordPress
  • ▹ Java

.03 Some Stuff I've Build